Thursday, November 1, 2012

Joyful Christmas Blog 2012

Dear Friends,

Many years ago a sweet friend, Norma Weekman, launched a special Christmas Blog where friends could gather and soak in the joy and celebration of this blessed season. It was created to give focus and an avenue for women to share their experiences of Christmas and give praise to the One we come to worship. With her blessing and advice, Jill and I would love to start this blog back up this year during the Holidays.

This blog needs you!  Would you consider making a written or photographic contribution to encourage other ladies during the holiday season?  It could be a short devotional (under 300 words), a memory of Christmas past, a family tradition that you treasure, a funny story, a recipe, a house cleaning tip, a plan for organization, a graphic design of a Bible verse, directions for making a simple gift, tips for traveling with kids, deadlines for shipping parcels and cards, pictures of your house decorated for Christmas, a list of general prayer points for Advent or the 12 days between Christmas and Epiphany, descriptions of gatherings you have with family and friends, a list of Christmas devotional books or how-to books, a list of great gifts based on age and/or gender, anything and everything that you can think of to encourage women to keep the focus on Jesus during the holiday season so that they can truly make it a season of celebration and not a season of over-commitment, over-spending, under-planning and under-praying.

I will upload the posts to the blog and in the title of the post, give credit to the lady who contributed that post.  (Ex. Christmas Traditions... by Jill Savoye.)  If more than one lady contributes a similar post, I may combine the posts, giving it one title and crediting all contributors by name at the end of the post.  You are welcome to send as many posts as you would like.

If you are a photographer and want to write as well, send both pictures and text.  And if you have any beautiful photographs you would be willing to let us post along with someone else's text, please send those too, indicating your willingness for us to use them with another lady's writing.  We will credit photographers with a byline as well.
If you know of anyone who might like to contribute writings or photographs to the blog, please forward this information to them. 

Please don't hesitate to email me with questions.  I need all content no later than November 25th, emailed to this address - - . Please put in your subject line:  Christmas Blog.  The blog will go live the week after Thanksgiving. We are so excited to embark on this journey with you!


With Joy,

Jill and Leeanne

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving celebration!
