Monday, November 18, 2013


As a Christian, there’s always that fine line of sheltering your children from the world and what it has to offer and exposing them to the world and giving them the tools and strategies to handle it and be an effective witness.  I teach at a very small school that my children attend.  It is a blessing in many ways.  They are getting a great education, there are many Christian families and other families who are just good people.  The Bible says to make disciples and go out into the world and share the love of Jesus.  It says, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.  (2 Corinthians 5:20) I want to teach my children to be His ambassadors.

Not too long ago, my middle child, who is in 1st grade, came to me and was appalled by what she saw in a science book from her room.  It showed pictures of evolutionism.  From an early age, we (along with my neighbors) have taught my children that the Bible teaches that God created us.  We have read books to them, watched videos and given them all kinds of important facts to support this view.  My daughter was passionately explaining to me why this was false from the book and also shared the same to another student.  On the way home, I took the opportunity to tell her how proud I was of her sharing her beliefs as it is part of her.  I also told her that we can pray for those who do not believe this.  

However, once she has shared God’s Truth it is up to God to do the rest.  We cannot be disrespectful of other’s views and beliefs.  She understood.  She asked if she could bring her Bible to school and share from God’s Word why she believes God created man and woman. 

I was in awe that my little seven year old would be so bold and evangelistic.  I thought about how ignorant I was at that age.  This is important to her.  Her life’s path and choices will indeed be so different from mine in my childhood because she has Truth and wisdom. I was choked up and crying on the way home that day from school.  One of my kids noticed and said, “Mommy, what’s the matter, why are you crying?”  I simply replied that I was so proud of my children and Truth that they live by.  


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