Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Best Advice

“The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying.  He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.  He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.”  ~ Samuel Chadwick

Today, I could probably give hundreds of examples  where God was waiting for me to turn to Him and ask for help.  The best advice I can give my children (and everyone else) is to pray about it.  Whether it is because something is lost or they are trying to make an important decision and everything in between.  God WILL help you in your time of need.  He will lay on your heart peace or discontentment regarding whatever matter at hand. 

When I was a new Christian and learning to trust God more, He continually increased my faith by responding to by breathe prayers.  The ones that you mutter in the moment or say in a desperate plea.  He still does this.  I vividly remember looking for a very important document that I thought I had left in my car.  I searched my entire car.  Went back into my apartment (at the time) and searched my desk and piles of papers.  I went back to the car and searched again.  After the back and forth numerous times, I sat in the front seat of my car and was about to give up.  I said one of my first breathe prayers as a believer, “Lord, please help me find this document.”  As the last word came out of my mouth it was as if I felt his hand lift my chin and my eyes fell upon the document safely tucked into the visor.  I wept.  All the back and forth was done in my own strength and will.  The moment I turned to Him, He heard and answered my prayers.

My four year old son came in from playing outside to ask for help to find some chalk.  I was busy and brushed him off.  I told him maybe later.  He came in the house about ten minutes later with a big smile on his face and said, “Mommy, I found the chalk.  I prayed to Jesus and He helped me find it.”  Later that day I wept again.  I praised God for increasing my four year old son’s faith with a piece of chalk when I wouldn’t give him the time of day.  The best advice I can give anyone, is to pray about it.  He is willing and waiting to hear from you no matter how big or small your issue is.


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