Friday, November 30, 2012

Reframing Your Perspective

Reframing Your Perspective

The theme for my family these days seems to be “adjusting to the transition of mommy going back to work".  I was reading The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace for my monthly book club.  I was having a very difficult time swallowing all the areas I was failing since I went back to work, or so it felt.  I kept saying to myself, “I am not his helpmate, he is mine right now”.  In many ways, my whole family has had to step up to the plate now that mom is not there to do it for them.  My children have matured in their responsibilities tremendously.  My husband has had to up his responsibilities, as well, when it comes to the children.  Since he works from home he is now in charge of getting them breakfast while I get ready in the morning along with many other chores.  I admit that the guilt was starting to weigh heavy on my heart for not being able to do more. 

While at my book club discussing The Excellent Wife, I revealed to the group my lack of enthusiasm with the month’s choice of books because of the way it was making me feel.  A close friend of mine cheerfully reminded me that I was being a helpmate, just in a different way now.  I was financially contributing to the family, which does help relieve some pressure for my husband to solely provide.  After all, it is a desire of his heart for me to help in this area for now.  The burden on my heart was immediately lifted.  I was grateful for how she spurred me on. 

I can choose to focus on all that I am not doing or focus on what I am doing to help.  Not to mention all of the wonderful ways my family has grown individually and as a team of helpers.  My job is to trust Him, ask Him to reveal His Truth, and have a cheerful heart along the way knowing He has me right where He wants me today. 

Warmly, Jill

1 comment:

  1. What a remarkable realization Jill! I am so glad you feel lifted. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. A stay at home one for some reasons and a working one for others. I struggle hourly, daily, weekly at times. I think we all do. Thank you for sharing and thank you to your friend, who helped my friend feel so much better.
