Monday, September 2, 2013

A Defining Memory

Last week my grandmother passed away. While it was a sad time for our family it was also a sweet time of celebration. So many wonderful memories and experiences that have shaped and molded me in my adult life. I loved so many things about my grandmother but the one thing that always stood out to me was her love of family and hospitality. My grandmother was very relaxed in her style and always made you feel welcomed. When I was a kid we would go visit her regularly since we only lived 20 minutes away. Every time we would walk in her house she had fried chicken and a two-liter of Pepsi, ice cold of course, ready for us. 

One summer day, I was outside playing with my brother and cousins and we came inside and asked Grandma for some cups to pour some Pepsi. My grandmother replied, "you don't need any cups, just drink it and pass it around. It won't hurt nothin". And here I am 30 years later a changed woman because of that memory. To many it was probably just a passing thing. A bunch of cousins in the backyard sharing a 2-liter of soda. To me, it was the beginning foundation of what love and hospitality looked like. 

For me, that memory was the building block for realizing that true joy comes from simple things. We didn't need cups. We didn't need a plate to eat chicken. We didn't need napkins. We didn't need anything but our big backyard and each other. We did need others to pass the bottle around. We needed a nurturing loving person to care enough to cook us food and to point us to this simple truth:  you need to love each other well. Throw out the napkins, cups and plates. 

We all need each other and we all need someone to show us love and care. It is a universal need, isn't it? My memory, even though I didn't realize it, was wrapped up in Christ's greatest command - Love the Lord and then love others. 

We hear so much buzz these days about being authentic and real and not getting caught up in the "mommy wars", or what kid can do what better (another post on that later), or who has what, or who is better at this or that, or Pinterest, or FB, or even blogs. Comparison kills your joy. I personally think if we would quiet ourselves, pray, and truly wait and listen for the Lord's direction then we will see so many people around us who need love and care. And then, we need to invite them into our homes and share our lives with them, imperfections and all. No one has it all together. No one is great at everything. We wouldn't need each other or each others gifts if we could do it alone. Then, I think we would stop feeling inadequate and start feeling a part of God's great plan.

So, for me, the sweet memory of my Grandmother's hospitality lives on. It has defined so much of who I am. I will miss her but I'm grateful that eternity in Heaven is her reality now. I hope one day when you come into my home you will see a glimpse of her sweet life resonate through the way we live. Feel free to drink out of the soda bottles too. I might even like you more if you do.


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