Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is There Gluten in Heaven?

Is there gluten in heaven?

We are reading Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn with our kids right now.  Three out of five of us in our family have gluten allergies.  We have certainly gotten used to this lifestyle change, but it was not fun or easy in the beginning.  Titus, my five year old, asked one day as he was being denied some sort of yummy gluten treat, “Is there gluten in heaven?”

My immediate response was, “Of course not!  You can eat anything you want in Heaven.  There’s no such thing as a gluten allergy.”  His eyes got wide and a smile appeared ear to ear.  Truthfully, I do not know if we even eat in Heaven.  The Bible talks about the tree of life that bears twelve fruits.  (Revelation 22:1-3)  The text never says if we will actually eat the fruit of the tree of life.  The Bible also refers to “the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 8:11)  There are many more references that would make me think there will be food that we will eat.  I do know that our bodies will be made perfect and there will be no such thing as allergies or any other bodily ailments for that matter.  Now that is something to look forward to! (Revelation 22:3)

The whole point is, I want to get my children (along with myself) excited for Heaven.  We are all born and we will all die.  It is a choice to follow Jesus and go to Heaven or deny Him and live in eternally separated from Him.  It’s like getting ready to move to a new city or take a fancy, expensive vacation.  You would never move or take that vacation without learning about the area, examining its details and features, and weighing its pros and cons.   It’s not enough to teach my kids about Jesus, how to follow Him and become more Christ-like.  I want them to be building God’s Kingdom and not their kingdom here on earth.  I want them to know what they have to look forward to.  I want them to know that being heavenly minded has its rewards and blessings here on earth as well as in heaven.

 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”  Colossians 3:1-2


1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love this perspective. Heaven is indeed what we should be greatly looking forward to!
