Monday, December 2, 2013

Beginning Advent

"Is not my word like fire, says the Lord" Jeremiah 23:29

"And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,  and you shall call his name Jesus. he will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High And the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end." Luke 1:30-32

I love Advent. As I get older I realize the deep need I have to devote more and more time in worship and prayer to Christ during this season. I awoke extra early this morning for prayer and study time and as I pulled out my special "advent journal" I began reading through the past few years and was overcome with one thought -- He is faithful. As I read the pages I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude for His faithfulness. Prayers I wrote in 2009 to prayers I wrote just last year. Jesus Christ is the same and His word is a comfort to me when nothing else satisfies. His word is like fire.

I feel an igniting in my heart for His word lately. As I prayed, I wrote this out in my Advent journal. It is word for word and exactly what my heart is reflecting for the season. I wanted to share it with you:

2013 - December 1

Lord, a new advent season is here. Lord, let You be my great joy this season. Let me not fall into comparisons or trivial things that make me view my/our advent as less. Let my jealousy be only for YOU!  Give me bright eyes for your glorious jewels and let me not fall into any form of legalism this season on the whens, where, how, do this, memorize this, create this, draw this, craft this, study this....

Let it be season where I draw deep into your well and drink over and over and over and over. May I leave Christmas far more deeply in love with you and desiring to dust of all the world says it can offer.

May my affection for You not be overshadowed with even good things. My heart Lord can get too caught up in what I should be doing because that is just "what you do". Will you make my advent and the family's advent exactly what WE need as a family.

Lord, give the kids a heart for You, your word, Your goodness, Your vision, Your salvation, Your hope, Your glorious joy, Your love, Your peace, Your great gift of Jesus.

You are all we need this Christmas. You are advent. You and you alone will make this season spectacular.

You are El Roi. The God who sees me.

Search my heart and remove anything that interferes with You.

In the Only Name that saves,


This advent Jill and I will be posting in anticipation of "the coming" . May your great hope in Christ be renewed as we remember, watch and prepare.

Family Devotional
The Name of God:  El Roi "The God who sees me"
Attribute:  His kindness (or favor like he spoke to Mary)
Reading:  Matthew 2:1-14

Personal Devotion
In my personal reading I read John Piper devotional from his 2013 advent book and then I add in the verses below.

The Birth Of Jesus Advent reading:
December 1 - Luke 1:30-33

Jesus is...  Advent reading:
December 1 - Revelation 22:13

The Coming King Advent reading:
December 1 - Genesis 3:14-15

"One Another" Advent reading:
December 1 - John 13:14

Monday, December 2:

Family Devotional
The Name of God:   Adonay "Lord, Master"
Attribute:  His Joy
Reading: Luke 1:46-55

Personal Devotion:
John Piper's advent book

The Birth Of Jesus Advent reading:
Luke 1:41-42

Jesus Is... Advent reading:
John 6:35

The Coming King Advent reading:
Genesis 22:18

"One Another" Advent reading:
John 13:35

(My friend Norma Weekman composed these verses a few years ago and I have treasured them). This week I will share what we are doing for the season. I have a few things I have put together along with other ideas from different people far more talented than me!)

With Great JOY,

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