Sunday, January 13, 2013

2013 Goals

Happy New Year to everyone!  After traveling, sickness, and now a kitchen remodel, Jill and I would like to tell you how excited we are to be on this journey with you this year. I love change!  Christmas time is my favorite but when January rolls around I always seem to be ready for it. I love setting goals for my year ahead. I'm one that is more driven when I have specific goals. I like to tangibly see something and then hopefully implement. As I have been doing my quiet time the past few weeks I asked God to give me vision for the year. As I continue to pray and mediate, these are a few things the Lord has and continues to show me for this year:

1. Dream Big. Stop limiting God by my inability to see more. I have always been a big picture girl. Love to lead through projects, teaching and speaking but I am learning that God is even bigger and I need to not shy away from the really BIG dreams floating around in my head!

2.  Pray for those persecuted. So many followers of Jesus Christ are being persecuted. I need to sacrifice more time in prayer for those Brothers and Sisters.

3. Discipline. If I am honest, I can always make time for myself if I need to. I don't always, but when the rubber meets the road, all my needs are always met. The Lord has really been working on my heart regarding devoting more time to studying/reading His word. For me, that means getting up earlier than my children. To break that down my sweet baby girl loves her  6am wake up time. Am I willing to obey?

4. Watching my speech. Amazing what a Proverbs study brings to light. So many areas for improvement in this category.

5. Seek wisdom from wise women. I'm grateful for great mentors in my life. I'm making it a priority this year to be intentional to spend time with them.

6. Make my health a priority. Healthy eating, exercise regularly and more family active time.

7. Foster an avenue to serve a church/para church organization that loves orphans. This is an area of my heart the Lord is giving me great love and passion for. So, I dream big and pray.

8. Be a loving and gentle wife and friend.

9. Pray for my church. I am so blessed to have my church. Our pastor said last week "we make much of Jesus around here". Yes we do.

10.  Make teaching Jesus an even deeper priority to my children. They are my most precious gift. I don't want to waste it.

11. Tell. People need Jesus. People need hope. I need to tell the Good News to a world that is searching for truth. Someone was kind enough to tell me.

So.. those are just my top eleven!   I pray the Lord will radically shape my life and your life this year. I know the two things I must do - discipline myself and pray. Today, I leave you with this. Hebrews 10:23 says, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope with profess, for he who promised is faithful".

We have a great Hope!  Let's live this year with confidence in our great God.

With JOY,

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to click the 'like' button but there wasn't one. : ) Glad to hear from this blog again & from you. Liked what you had to say. Keep 'em coming. Thanks for sharing.
