Saturday, September 21, 2013

Source of Strength

I’m doing a Bible study right now called Stronger by Angela Thomas.  The premise behind it is we are only so strong on our own.  We are ever stronger with God’s strength.  It gives stories and practical application how to be strong in Him.  Below is a quote from the study.

The Bible promises that God is stronger than:
·       Your greatest weakness
·       Your deepest need
·       Your past mistakes
·       Your present stumbles
·       Sickness, physical sufferings, and death
·       Your doubts
·       Bad attitudes
·       Broken relationships
·       Leaders, authorities, kings, and nations
·       Loneliness and depression
·       Anxiety and worry
·       Sin
·       Unforgiveness
·       Anger, bitterness, and rage
·       (you fill in the blank)

God is stronger than everything!  For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?” Deuteronomy 4:7.  Call on Him.  How?  Just start by talking to Him.  Ask Him to make himself real to you.  I promise He will if you pay attention. 
Without God in my own strength I was depressed, bulimic, in debt, lonely, anxious, over drank to downed my emotions and simply dramatic. 

When I started following Christ as my model and learning His ways my life slowly (and continues to) transformed into a life filled with joy, healthy eating, not excessively drinking and generally making wiser choices that honored God instead of giving me instant gratification with detrimental consequences.  Life with Christ is not without trials, life is full of them—but with Him as my source of strength I can persevere.  Talk to Him, He’s waiting to hear from you!  


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