Friday, March 8, 2013

Search me, O God!

Part III
Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

My middle child is much like my younger sister was as a child, which humors me in many ways.  She has a tendency to be sneaky and mischievous only to soon after confess her own sin to me without much prodding.  The guilt overwhelms her and she turns herself in.  Now, my oldest daughter is just like I was as a child.  She can lie with a straight face to the point that even she believes her own lie.  It takes a lot more reasoning and time (days sometimes) for her to admit her sin and ask for forgiveness. 

As Christians, the Bible says that you have died with Christ and it is no longer you who lives, but Christ in you. (Gal. 2:20)  So why do we continue to sin and struggle with the same sins for long periods of time?  The reality of it is that we were born sinners and in our own flesh we will sin until the day we die and are resurrected with Christ in heaven.  Sanctification is a process of getting rid of the old and putting on the new, the newness of Christ that comes from within.  For most, it is certainly not an overnight process.  The Bible says that the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  Paul says in Romans 7:21, “So I find this law at work:  when I want to do good, evil is right there with me.”  Isn’t that the truth? 

We are not alone in this battle of the flesh.  We are not adopted into His family of faith and left as orphans.  The more we sin the stronger our flesh becomes.  Fighting our flesh with the Spirit of God takes deliberate effort and work.  The devil is real and entices us to sin and will even help us to justify and excuse our sin with lies that we believe.  God’s conviction to our sin is just as real, but if we are not spending time in the Spirit (God’s Word, prayer, accountability, etc.) than there is nothing in our flesh that will hold up our sin to the Truth.  Some Christians are walking around living like the rest of the world—dead and numb to their sin.  A non-Christian does not feel the weight of sin. There is a sense of entitlement to feel the pleasure their sin brings.  

Pray that God would search your heart and reveal to you your sin so that you can turn from it.  For some, God has revealed to you your sin and you are having a difficult time turning from it.  You are in bondage.  The only way to break that hold is by daily clothing yourself with the full armor of God spoken in Ephesians 6:10-17.  The devil wants to win every battle here on Earth, despite God already winning the war of your salvation.  Fight back and pray the for the Holy Spirit to guide you in your daily battle and against flesh and Satan.  


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