Sunday, July 28, 2013


 This summer my husband and I have been diligent to try and correct poor attitudes and helping my children to listen without five thousand reminders.  We have locked arms to try and have a unified force.  Tough love is hard.  I’m sure my children do not consider it pure joy  (James 1:2-4) when we discipline them so that they can mature. 

Recently, we had what I call an explosion of disobedience that needed action.  Two of my children lost the privilege of going to our local pool the next day.  They were crushed and broken.  And so was I.  As I had pillow talk with my husband that evening I had a hard time holding back tears.  I did not want them to miss out of their favorite summer activity.  Couldn’t I give them one more chance?  I rewound the words I had just told them an hour before, “If you are caught speeding on the highway a police officer is not going to give you a ticket and then take it away.”  I had to look beyond the moment.  I am trying to teach my children to live respectfully, obey, tame their tongue and listen to what is important.

The next morning there were no grudges.  My two children loved me the same.  They were over the initial sting of being disciplined.  They also knew mommy and daddy meant business.  God also reminded me that I was able to have some “special time” with my third child at the pool that day, as the other stayed home while daddy worked from home.  Just as the Lord tells us to endure hardship as discipline; God is treating us as his children (Hebrews 12:7)—so it is with our children on loan from Him.  


1 comment:

  1. Awesome - Love it - that shows parenting done God's way which is out of actual pure LOVE for your children! Love it!
