Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Different Easter

Deuteronomy 6:7

You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.

This past weekend was so wonderful for our family. We got to spend Easter at my parents home and enjoy some down time. I watched a great "Easter" movie from the 1950's with Rachel and ran around my parents 9 acres with the kids. We picked up sticks, did Easter egg hunts, made mud pies, looked at ants, and just enjoyed one another for a couple of days.

Leading up to Easter (I fully admit) I didn't do a lot of "Easter" things with them. We didn't dye eggs this year or have our Easter egg hunt with neighbors. We didn't color pictures of the tomb, or do fun crafts from Oriental Trading. I saw a beautiful picture on a friends FB post of a stunning stain-glass cross they made and I thought, "how beautiful". I pinned tons from Pinterest but this year it was different. I wasn't too busy to do the crafts, or lack the desire or creativity to do it. I didn't feel envious of others crafts or what they did to celebrate the resurrection. We didn't really do anything but this:  we talked about Easter. We talked about it when we brushed our teeth. We talked about when we ate breakfast. We talked about during devotionals. We talked about on the way to the Y. We talked about on the way home from the Y. We talked about when we ate lunch, dinner, played outside, and when we went to bed. This year, we really, really dove in to what Easter is just by talking about it.

My daughter is a verbal learner and she asked some of the most amazing questions. I was intentional, yes, but I also just shared to joy for Christ with my children because I love Him. I love Christ. I felt it overflowing from my heart to their ears and it brought me great comfort to know they were listening.

So, fellow Moms, take heart!  Some years will look very different from what you think or anticipate it to be. But, sometimes, we just need to listen to that quiet whisper that tells you to do it a little different this time.

Yes, yes, yes, it was the most glorious Easter. Simply, because I thought continuously about Christ.

With JOY,

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