Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life, Hospitality, and Tozer

It has been too long since Jill and I posted something and the reality is there is no specific reason except life has been busy. Both our families had children who were sick for over a week, my husband's work has been crazy, and throw in a one year old who I can't take my eyes off, a women's conference at our church, and Jill's spring school schedule we are just in the throws of life.

I've learned over the years to not make excuses for things but just be real. We have six children between us and honestly some days I'm just glad I fed them all. I'm learning that to pour in to my children the way I desire I must let other things go. My oldest goes to kindergarten in a little over a year and I'm treasuring this time with her. I'm carving out specifics things we can do together just the two of us. I'm savoring our long conversations about Jesus, why butterflies fly, and who changes the lights from green to red.  She very much dislikes soccer but loves t-ball. She loves ballet and singing into her karaoke machine brings her great joy!

My boy keeps me equally on my toes.  I'm loving playing cars, trains, and learning all about Buzzlight Year, Woody, Mater, and Lighting McQueen. I love watching my boy make a bee line for the largest puddle of mud and dirt and see his eyes light up as he rolls around. I love when he asks me to look for worms with him. I love teaching him how to open doors for girls, and how he tells his sisters they are beautiful. He asks me to rock him each night just for a minute so I'm basking in the time I have to rock my son while he clings a little to babyhood by sucking his thumb.

I'm wonderfully exhausted from chasing my baby girl around as she discovers life is so much bigger than her days of crawling. I love her smiling face when I tickle her and let her eat new foods. I love how content she is in my lap when I fold laundry and how she loves to wrestle with her siblings even though she isn't quite big enough. I love that when we go to the park she just loves to put the sand between her toes and enjoys the swing. I can't wait to see what personality the Lord gives her. She seems to be our gentle smiling one. I'll take that.

So, that is what life has been for me. It is passing by so fast. Some days I collapse and debate whether to leave the dishes to the next day. Other days I find myself longing to keep my kids up extra late so we can have one more scooter ride up the street.

This weekend our church is having a wonderful Women's Conference. I'm excited to participate in it and talk about what biblical hospitality looks like. I'll share my notes after the conference but did you know what the Greek word for hospitality means?  Xenos means stranger and Phileo means love. It basically means loving strangers. The OT and NT have a lot to say about this topic as well as Jesus himself.

I've been rereading "Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer. If you haven't read it please please do. It is a game changer. One thing Tozer writes that I cannot get out of my head is this:

"All the problems of heaven and earth, though they were to confront us together and at once, would be nothing compared to the overwhelming problem of God:  That He is; what He is like; and what we as moral beings must do about Him."

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy: at your right hand are pleasures forevermore" Psalm 16:11


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