Monday, March 31, 2014

Teach Us to Pray

Luke 11:1 Lord, teach us to pray.

This weekend at church I was challenged and asked if my prayers were more for my own comfort, safety and current events in my life or were they more heavenly-minded, gospel-centered and mission minded? 

During our nightly devotions as a family, we all take turns praying.  My six year old likes to go first and his prayers are sweet, but do not vary much.  He thanks God for the roof over our head, food on the table and whatever he had fun doing that day.  He may occasionally pray for someone or something else but he is growing. My middle one who is seven is my prayer warrior.  She prays for everything and everyone.  She has a tree in the front yard she calls her, "praying tree".  She climbs it and prays.  She prays without thinking about it.  Such an example.  My oldest prays from her heart and is deep and serious.  I remember one night listening to her on the monitor when she was five years old.  She was praying to Jesus and said, "I asked you into my heart Jesus and I will never ask you out.  I will never say to come in and go out."  I laughed and cried at the same time.

My prayers vary.  The more tired I am and the less time I spend with God and in his Word, the weaker and more temporal are my prayers.  I thank Him for the day, where I saw His hand at work and pray for the next day.  As I write this, I am coming off a two week break from school.  I've had lots of rest, relaxation, play time, getting caught up on life and mostly had an abundance of time with Him and in His Word.  I feel close to my  Heavenly Father and my prayers are so much more potent.  I am reminded that we were created for Heaven.  Heaven is my home and ultimate destination. Do my daily prayers reflect that?  Sadly, not always.  But today, I'm so thankful for this time of renewal.  

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me from myself.  Thank you for choosing me to be part of your Kingdom.  You have transformed my life and heart and I'm forever grateful.  Lord, I pray that you continue to grow me and mold me into your Son's image.  Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.  Strengthen and protect my marriage from the demands of a busy life. Help me to be an example for my children, to rear them in such a way that their foundation is unshakeable when they leave our house because You are their rock.  I pray that others come to know  You and Your saving grace through the way we live and the choices we make.  Give my children the boldness to stand firm in their faith and not be wooed by the temptations in this world.  Teach us to love like You love.  In Christ's name, Amen.

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