Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Testimony Part Two

Welcome back to Part Two of Becca's testimony!  Becca, thank you for blessing us with your story and for the end where you show How much He loves us!  
On January 11, 2013, my first week of classes, I met a girl named Kaitlyn. I was lead to ask her about the cross bracelet she was wearing, and after class we spent hours just talking. I told her all about my life, and the guy I had been dating, and how just depressed I felt. And she listened. She didn’t judge me or condemn me for all the sins I kept committing. She told me all about her life, and how unpleasant it had been at moments. But the JOY she had just radiated off her, and it really got me thinking. If somebody who has been through some pretty rough stuff in her life as well could feel this joyful because of this Jesus guy, well I want what she has.
Kaitlyn asked for my number, and over the next few weeks she texted me and kept inviting me to church. Finally, after the 3rd time of asking, I went with her. I will never forget the sermon preached that Sunday. The preacher talked about how we all have “thorns” in our life, crosses we have to bear, but we are given these in order to bring us closer to God. We are all so self-indulged, that unless we felt a need to have Christ in our life, we wouldn’t even try.
Wow. What a powerful sermon it was. So I started reading my Bible every night like I did in high school, going through the motions again, thinking that would make me a true Christian. But it just wasn’t working.
Fast forward to February 13th, 2013. I started feel depressed again. I was hopeless, lonely and felt like nothing would ever get better. The walls felt like they were closing in and I was crying so hard I couldn’t breathe. I picked up my phone and texted Kaitlyn. She didn’t even hesitate, she told me to come over. I spent a few hours over at Kaitlyn’s that night telling her how frustrated I was and that I just couldn’t do it alone anymore. So we prayed together and then she prayed over me. I gave my life to Christ that night. I still wasn’t sure what that meant, but I was willing to find out.
It has been about a year since I accepted Christ into my life. My life definitely isn’t perfect – but through all the pain and the trials, I have a HOPE that I NEVER had before. Depression is a battle that I fight everyday – but now I can fight it with the Truth of God’s Word. He has blessed me with so many Christian friends that are such an encouragement to me. He has healed my relationship with my mom – we finally have the relationship that I have always wanted with her. I am doing my best to live for Christ’s will for my life, and not my own. I know now that I am never alone, because God is always there for me even when the whole world walks out.
Because Christ loves me and you SO MUCH,  He gave HIS ONLY SON, to DIE FOR US. What the crap y’all… there is no love greater than that. Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.
We are all here for a purpose, GOD’S PURPOSE. Give up your life to Christ. He loves you and just wants to adopt you as His Child. If you have any questions after reading this, please don’t hesitate to ask !
In Christ, Becca

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